45 Expository Writing Prompts

Expository writing exercises help students practice informing or explaining a topic to their readers, without leaning too much on opinions and instead focusing on facts.

Learning how to write an informative essay is a lifelong skill that will carry readers through their entire education. The earlier they refine these skills, the more successful they will be with the practice as their education progresses.

We’ve put together a list of prompts to help students practice their essay-writing skills, covering various topics and interests.

Using These Prompts

These writing prompts can be used as writing exercises in class, or separately as homework assignments. As long as students practice this skill, they’re already on the right track to succeed.

Here are a few ways you can use this writing guide with your class:

  • Challenge students to use one writing prompt in their journal every day for a week.
  • Have students choose a number between 1 and 45 and use that number to choose their prompt.
  • Use these activities for students who finish their work early and need something to do while they wait for others to finish.
  • Use these activities if they fall in line with what students are learning in other classes (such as social studies or history).

Expository Writing Prompts

  1. Explain why it’s important for students to go to school.
  2. Write an essay about what qualities make someone a good friend.
  3. Write an essay about the life and habits of an animal that interests you.
  4. Describe your favorite place to vacation with your family.
  5. Describe your favorite holiday and why people celebrate it.
  6. Why is it important to eat healthy foods?
  7. Write an essay describing a recent local news event.
  8. Write an essay that explains the importance of good dental hygiene.
  9. Is it important to read the book before watching the movie? Explain.
  10. Write an essay that explains how to play your favorite musical instrument.
  11. Choose a prominent Black person in history, and write an essay explaining why their accomplishments are important.
  12. Explain the steps of the scientific method.
  13. Explain why people who are best friends can sometimes still experience conflict.
  14. Write an essay describing your favorite board game. Why should others play it?
  15. Write an essay explaining the process of getting ready for school in the morning.
  16. Explain what it’s like to have siblings or to be an only child.
  17. Explain why closed captioning is an important accessibility tool.
  18. What qualities make someone a good teacher?
  19. Explain the history of your favorite hobby.
  20. Explain how to send a text message.
  21. Why is it important for students to follow the rules at school?
  22. Write an essay that explains your dream job.
  23. How does technology shape our daily lives?
  24. Write about how your family deals with difficult situations.
  25. What does it mean to be a good person?
  26. Why is regular exercise an important part of a healthy lifestyle?
  27. Write an essay that defines feminism. Give examples.
  28. Explain the importance of recycling.
  29. What are some ways to stay entertained without using technology?
  30. Describe a book you recently read and loved. Why did you choose it? What was it about? Why did you love it?
  31. Describe the life cycle of a butterfly.
  32. Why is it important that students learn how to do math?
  33. Talk about your favorite music and why you like it.
  34. Write an essay about the history of your town.
  35. Define bravery. Provide examples of what it means to be brave.
  36. Explain what you would do if you were at a large store and couldn’t find your parents.
  37. Why is it important for students to learn fire safety at school?
  38. Explain how to add four-digit numbers.
  39. Describe the characteristics of your favorite planet.
  40. Think of your role model. Explain why other people should admire them as well.
  41. What are the harmful effects of too much screen time?
  42. Explain why it is important to learn how to read.
  43. Give three examples of how to get back on task when you get distracted.
  44.  Your class is making a time capsule to be seen in 75 years. Write an essay explaining the one thing you put in that box and why.
  45. Explain why it is important to help people who are less fortunate than us.

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