Schonell Spelling Age Calculator

How to use this tool:

To calculate the spelling age of a student who you’ve given the Schonell test, simply enter the number of words which they did spell correctly above, and hit “Calculate spelling age”.

Doing other grading at all?

While many of us enjoy the creative and inspirational aspects of teaching more than the grading, we all know it is vital that we understand in a measurable way how our students are progressing, or struggling.

But it just takes up so much time!

So, in addition to this calculator, we’ve made a few other free tools to try and help save teachers time (and headaches).

One tool which we’re had a lot of positive feedback about is the online grader, so you might like to try that one out too.

What do you find most useful?

As usual, please let us know if you have any other teaching resources you’d like us to build for you 🙂 

(And if you’re finding these useful, it would mean the world to us if you’d share them with your teaching colleagues!)

Matt & Hayley