Students love to look outside, watching the leaves change colors and fall to the ground during Autumn, instead of focusing on their schoolwork.
But, how much do students know and think about the season itself?
By having them focus on writing prompts, you can ensure that they’re engaged with the world as it goes on around them – as well as getting in some great writing along the way!
How To Use These Prompts
These prompts are great to use from the start of the school year, to the end of Fall.
They are designed to help students think more deeply about the season.
If worked on as a group discussion, following individual writing time, these prompts can also help to open students up to new thoughts and ideas.
The Prompts About Fall
- What are some of your family traditions in the Fall?
- What is your favorite thing to do in the Fall? Why?
- What is your favorite Fall holiday? Why?
- Do you play sports in the Fall? If so, which ones?
- How does the weather change in the Fall?
- Why do you think leaves change colors?
- Do you like to be scared on Halloween? Why?
- Halloween comes from ancient traditions where spirits would come back and people would try and scare them away. How has this changed to what we celebrate today?
- What makes you excited to start the school year? Why?
- How could school be more interesting than it is now?
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- Why is Thanksgiving an important celebration?
- How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving?
- What’s your favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving?
- How important are sports like baseball’s World Series and the football season to your family in the Fall?
- How do you reconnect with friends to start the school year?
- Do you like Fall? Why or why not?
- What foods do you eat in the Fall that you don’t eat other times of the year? Why do you think these foods are special to Fall?
- What is the weather like at the start of Fall vs. the end of Fall? Why does it change so much?
- What are some smells that make you think of Fall? Why do you think they’re what you think about?
- Do you refer to the season as Fall or as Autumn? Why do you think there are two words for one season?
- Does it bother you that there is less sunlight in the Fall than in the Summer? Why or why not?
- A lot of people like Fall because they can feel cozy in a sweatshirt during the Fall. Why do you think people like this feeling?
- If you could change one thing about Fall, what would it be? Why?
- Columbus Day is often a controversial holiday, as he wasn’t the first person to make it to the Americas and his actions once he got to them. Rather, the Native Americans were. Who should Columbus Day celebrate? Why?
- How are Native Americans important to the Pilgrims’ survival?
- Why do you think settlers and Native Americans fought wars, despite the settlers’ reliance on them to survive?
- How do the animals around you prepare for winter?
- Do you like experiencing the changing seasons, or would you prefer one season year round? Why?
- What type of festivals and fairs are thrown in the Fall? Why are they this time of year?
- Why is Fall so important to farmers?
- What is your favorite memory from the Fall? Why is it special to you?
- Do you prefer a pumpkin or a jack-o-lantern? Why?
- What do you have to be thankful for during Thanksgiving?
- Do you like Black Friday, or is it too overwhelming? Why?
- What clothes make you most comfortable during the Fall? Why?
- Have you read any books or seen any movies and TV shows that focus on Fall? How did they do so, and why did it matter to them?
- How are myths like Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan relevant today?
- Do you like pumpkin spice? Why or why not?
- National elections are generally held in the Fall. Why is it important to vote?
- If you could make leaves into a new color, what would it be? Why?
Looking for more?
For more resources for teachers, please see the rest of our website and share it with your friends and colleagues. 🙂
You might also like to try writing about summer, our winter writing prompts – or something completely different, like science, or wolves!
If we’re missing anything, feel free to reach out, so we can correct that.
Thanks – check back soon, as we’re releasing new resources every day!